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Found wild from the Mediterranean to Norway in spring and summer, Bass can grow in excess of 7kg It has a delightful flavour which stands on its own, but is particularly popular in Thai cuisine.
Bass is local to the Hythe bay from February to October.
Our Palourde Clams also known as carpet shell clams they are cultivated on the North Kent coast. Clams are available all year-round but at their. are in their prime at during the colder months.
Bream are a large group of fish from the Sparidae or Bramidae families and are caught from the Mediterranean, English Channel and off the west coast of Africa. We can supply high quality Gilthead Bream and Wild Black Bream when you order in advance due to Bream not being frequent in the local area.
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Brill is similar to Turbot, and cheaper. It has an almost oval body, a grey-brown dark side with light and dark freckles and ranges from 400g to 4kg.
Brill has a sweeter flavour than Turbot, smaller Brill are appreciated on the bone while larger fish make great steaks.
All of our Brill comes direct from the English Channel, using boats local to Hythe bay.
The British classic, Cod is a superb whitefish with a great taste. A large head and long body with a mixture of sandy-browns, greyish-greens and darker speckles.
While fillets from smaller fish are most commonly used, it’s at its best when loins or supremes are cut from larger fish, giving a meatier portion with large succulent flakes of pure white. Cooking Cod is very easy thanks to its versatile nature, taking on most flavours, but take care as it can easily be over-cooked.
Cod cheeks are also available which provide a boneless and skinless firmer meat.
Brown Crab Meat
Cooked, hand picked Cornish crab meat.
Also known as Coalfish, Coley has a long tapered body, with a slight greenish tint. They are a cold water species, meaning they are more common in the cooler water around the north of the British Isles. They can also found throughout the Baltic Sea and in Scandinavian and Icelandic waters.
We source all of our Coley just over the water from French fishermen or from Scotland.
Dover Sole
With a dark brown skin and a longer and narrower shaped body than other flatfish, Dover sole has a crisp white flesh, & an almost sweet taste.
Found in the Hythe bay from April till September we source directly from local boats when possible so you can always guarantee the freshest fish.
As a member of the cod family, Haddock is a popular fish cooked fresh or traditionally smoked. The meat is firm and white, high in protein and low in fat.
Haddock is available from the North sea, making it a very sustainable fish and always fresh.
Dressed Crab
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A predatory fish with white tasty flesh that is popular in the Spanish culture. Hake makes a great alternative to cod, it is fantastic battered and in Spain is traditionally cut into steaks and baked.
Our Hake comes from the North and Celtic seas.
Grey Mullet
Mullets are a plump silvery fish with large scales and flat wide mouths. They prefer coastal and estuarine habitats and can often be seen swimming close to the surface in harbours and marinas.
Mullet are caught in the local area March - August, to ensure we can supply high quality fresh fish all year round.
The giant of the flatfish world! Atlantic halibut are not mature until they are 1.4 metres in length and are aged between 10 and 14 years old. They can grow up to 15 feet long and weigh more than 300kg but there are very few left in our waters so we source all our Halibut from Norway and the North sea.
Gurnards are odd looking fish with large bony heads and distinctive snow plough shaped profile.
Caught locally between March and September The Boathouse Fisheries buys directly from Kentish fishermen as part of our locally sourced promise.
Herring belongs to the same family of fish as sprats and pilchard.
Herring have an important role in the marine ecosystem, as a transformer of plankton at the bottom of the food chain to higher trophic or feeding levels, e.g. for cod, seabirds and marine mammals.
The boats around the local area supply our Herring between October and December, while during the local off season we source Herring from Norway
Huss have beautiful spotted skins. It is very difficult to remove this skin but with a lovely taste and only has one bone (muscle) through the centre making it easy for cooking and preparing.
Our local boats supply us with Huss during the first 3 months of the year, other months of the year we source from the western English channel.
Ling is a member of the cod family. It has delicious white flesh and is excellent in a range of dishes.
Ling prefer cold waters and are migratory and widely distributed around the North east Atlantic.
We source most of our Ling from the deep waters off Scotland with some coming from the Cornish boats.
Jellied Eels
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Beautiful tigerstripes of black and green blue are unmistakable. Mackerel is a delicious fish, closely related to tuna, its moist flesh is high in omega 3 oils and is best eaten when very fresh, barbecued, baked, or raw as sushi.
Mackerel are in season from April- September, when our local boats aren’t catching we source Mackerel from the Celtic sea.
John Dory
A strange looking, but delicious fish.
Most of the John Dory we supply comes from the Celtic sea, we do however occasionally find it locally caught.
Lemon Sole
A small flat fish with a tiny head and mouth that lives on stony and gravelly seabeds.
Thanks to Lemon Sole being a common species caught from the Hythe bay area we only supply fish caught from our local boats.
Boathouse Mussels are sourced Basta Voe, an island off the coast of the Shetland isles. They are renowned for being a superior quality of rope grown mussel. They are large in size, thin shell with a high meat yield, grown on a boutique farm in a naturally organic environment which undoubtedly makes them the very best.
The very best quality rock and native oysters are sourced from both Whitstable and Colchester
The waters along this stretch of the coast have been perfect for oysters Cultivation since the Romans.
Plaice is a popular and tasty flatfish. It is easily spotted by its distinctive orange spots on its skin
Thanks to being prolific in the Hythe bay we can always supply the highest quality fish caught on local boats.
Pollock are closely related to cod, their flesh is not as white in colour but is very similar in taste and texture to cod.
The local boats can supply Pollock from June - October, while for the rest of the year, Cornish boats supply us.
Razor Clams
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Red Mullet
Red mullet has a unique texture somewhere between white and oily fish. Its high fat content adds a richness to it’s flavour. It’s liver is considered a delicacy. It has all the healthy eating attributes of white fish: high in protein and vitamin rich and also has the health benefits of being a source of Omega-3 fatty acids.
An autumn time visitor to the south and south west coast of England, we can supply local caught Red Mullet from September to January.
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